f you would like to have POSUA hardware for your business you can contact our partners in Ukraine who will set up and program hardware to be compatible with your specific software. If you do POS automation or would like to become a POSUA partner, please send your requests at partnership@posua.com
NBSKyiv |
Technologic LLCKyiv |
EtcKyiv |
InterhotelKyiv |
AB SystemLviv |
AltinetKyiv |
BITKyiv |
VVSDnipropetrovsk |
Gera-ServiceKyiv |
Delta-AzovMariupol |
Expert SolutionKyiv |
ImportTechnoServiceZhytomyr |
IgrolandKyiv |
Ics MarketKyiv |
IncomKyiv |
Irida PlusTernopil |
IstokKharkiv |
Informatsiyni SystemyLugansk |
CardPayKyiv |
KRCKharkiv |
MyslDnipropetrovsk |
NeoKharkiv |
New AlgorythmOdessa |
Rim 2000Dnipropetrovsk |
Retail Business ProjectKyiv |
SystemaKyiv |
TermCherkasy |
Ukrainska Computerna LaboratoriyaKyiv |
Elecard-ServiceSebastopol |